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- like/dislike songs
- download playlists
- use advanced audio-based search
- and more!
Please upgrade to Maroofy Pro
With a paid account, you can:
- export playlists
- and more!
Which music service do you use?
Apple Music
We'll save all songs as a playlist in your Library.
Other (Spotify, YouTube, etc.)
We'll save all songs as a CSV file that you can import into your music service using a tool like Soundiiz
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🎉 Thank you!
Your playlist CSV file is downloading now.
To import this playlist into your music service, use Soundiiz.
- Sign into Soundiiz
- Click the "Import Playlist" button on the top right
- Select "From File" as the import method
- Upload the CSV file you just downloaded
- Click the "Confirm" button
- Click the "Create a new playlist" button
- Give it a title & description
- Click the "Save configuration" button
- Choose your music streaming service
- Done!
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Save playlist to Apple Music
We'll save these songs as a playlist in your Library.
Need help? Join our Discord
Songs you like will be saved to your Favorites page.
NEW Introducing Maroofy Pro!
Save playlists, & more!